Some Neurotransmitters and Neurotrophins Levels and Their Correlation with The White Blood Cells Indices and Platelets Count in Iraqi Autistic Children
بعض مستويات النواقل العصبية والبروتينات العصبية وعلاقتها بمؤشرات خلايا الدم البيضاء والصفائح الدموية لدى الأطفال العراقيين المصابين بالتوحد
Rusul A. A. Alshammary1, Jamela Jouda2, and Adil A.S. Al-Salihy3
(1,2) Department of Biology, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Bagdad, Iraq
(3) Consultant Cognitive Neuroscientist, Mental Health Department, Psychological Research Centre, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Bagdad, Iraq.
Some studies suggested that dysfunction of neurotransmitter and neurotrophins lead to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, so this work aim to study the level of some these parameters as a trying to find a new biomarker of ASD. The present experiment was conducted on 72 Iraqi Children (male and female), 50 with ASD who visit the several Iraqi autism centers and 22 healthy. Their age ranged from 6 to 12 years old. Peripheral venous blood was collected from these individuals to be used in determining the level of GABA, DA, serotonin, BDNF, NGF, WBCs indices, and platelets number. The results of this work showed a significant decrease in the GABA and dopamine but not serotonin levels of ASD compared to the control; there was a significant increase in the BDNF but not NGF level of ASD compared to the control; and there was significantly increase in the platelets, total WBCs and lymphocytes but not Monocytes and neutrophiles. Moreover, there was no different in these parameters depend on the gender and autism severity. As conclusion, our results suggested that the changes in neurotransmitters levels may play an important role in the development of autism and underlie autism-related symptoms which caused an increasing in the neurotrophins as a defensive attempt by the body for the purpose of repairing the damage that occurred in the nerves, so we thought that neurotrophins may represent a serological marker for autistic children together with neurotransmitters.
Keywords: Autism, GABA, Dopamine, serotonin, BDNF and NGF
DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.6.NQ22080
NeuroQuantology 2022; 20(6):840-856
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